Recycled Eco Friendly Flags
OneSource is proud to announce the exclusive supply of printed and finished FlagTrax street flags and banners manufactured exclusively using recycled plastic bottles for polyester fabric.
A first for New Zealand.
OneSource assisting you in reaching net-Zero carbon emissions.
For every hundred street flags produced 2000 bottles are saved from being disposed.
Up to ninety thousand plastic bottles will be saved from disposal methods in
a 12-month period.
Tried and tested in various locations throughout New Zealand.
Recycled fabric allows for improved sharper front and reversed image.
Benefits of Recycling
Reducing our Environmental Impact.
• The use of virgin fibres can be avoided.
• Recycling decreases the requirement for landfill space.
• The consumption of water and energy can be reduced by recycling
• There is a lower demand for colorants and dyes.
• Avoidance of and less pollution when recycling
• Recycled yarn is 100% made from plastic bottles
• bottles from Landfill and oceans reducing its environmental impact
• fabric is both reach compliant, and FR B1 rated
Closing the Loop.
Closing the loop on this sustainable offer, we now take the Street Flags, banners and FlagTrax Flags back from the Councils, strip the tape and clips from them, Recycle the components and in conjunction with the largest plant nursery in the Bay of Plenty, Growers Direct, the recycled fabric is used as weed mats for their landscaping division rather than ending up in landfill.

Recycled Flags Preventing Further Weed Growth
Napiers Story Media Release.

Flagging a new way forward - National Aquarium of New Zealand street flags,made from recycled plastic bottles.

Napier City Council is saving thousands of plastic bottles from landfill and oceans, reducing its environmental impact at the same time.
From this year, every street flag promoting events in Napier will be made from recycled plastic bottles.
Kevin Murphy, Event Manager, believes the initiative aligns well with Napier􀂶s environmental objectives.
"We want to be environmentally responsible and proactive in everything we do. That's something we look for in all our initiatives and partnerships" says Kevin.
"We're always looking for ways to become more sustainable and reduce our environmental impact so this is a great fit"
"It's fantastic to be part of something that celebrates what we can achieve when we work with others to explore and support alternative ways of doing things."􀀑􀂴
Napier has 250 flag sites, and the move to use this new product will save about 15,000 plastic bottles every year from going to waste. Using recycled plastics for flag fabrics means less waste for landfill and less pollution. It avoids the use of virgin fibres, reduces the consumption of water and energy in production, and lowers the demand for colorants and dyes.
Over the summer, flag supplier OneSource Ltd trialled the 100% recycled, more earth friendly fabric in Napier. While the advent of recycled polyester yarns is not new, Bernie Riley, managing director for OneSource, says the trial of the fabric has been so successful, he expects to roll it out to many more places around the country.
"It has only been in the last couple of years, following numerous longevity trials, including more recently with Napier City Council, that we have found the ideal option"
Once they have served their purpose, the flags can be returned to the supplier. The fittings will be removed and the fabric recycled a second time into weed matting or fence posts.
For media enquiries contact:
Jess Soutar-Barron - communications manager
Napier City Council m: 027 229 7012 e:
215 Hastings Street, Napier 4110
Private Bag 6010, Napier 4142
t +64 6 835 7579